Monday, May 08, 2006


The largest felt-tip pen in the world

I am currently in the process of constructing a pen that you will be able to see from space. Then I could draw a scary face on the Earth so that if any aliens want to invade, they will be tricked into thinking that, instead of a planet, Earth is a big massive head who can bray them with ease. I was also thinking of drawing a big speech bubble coming out of the moon saying, "Go on Macca, Knack them all!".

More scarily, someone has climbed inside my computer and replaced all of my desktop items with half-eaten biscuits. Maybe they got in through my internet chimney. There isn't really a lot I can do about it. This is like the time they replaced my recycle bin with a swiss army knife. Sound much more useful than it really is. Try it and see.

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