Monday, June 12, 2006


So I've go this mate called Tamalyn Jade

She works on an enormous ice-breaking ship on the the other side of Australia. In recognition of the fact that a small section of the nearby poupulation have squirreled their way into a pan-continental marbles competition (of which I will speak more later), she decided to reconstruct the initial stages of this assault by unleasing a single kangaroo against a lethal but very polite horde of 101 dalmation ninjas. At the end of the contest only three kangaroos and one ninja were left standing. Before he disappeared into the night, the last ninja whispered this...

Tamalyn, Tamalyn,
Always pack your flannel in,
Jade, Jade,
You’ll always have it made.

At least that's what she told me, and you should bear in mind that this person is fully capable of driving the entire length and breadth of Melbourne with her eyes closed. Without a car. Using only the power of her voice and eye-lashes.

I know what your thinking, "Hmmmmmmm".
I know. I'm thinking it too.

From Mammy and Daddy kangaroos. Who came from eggs. Whuch came from Thorntons. I think.
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